Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If it Creeps like a Creeper, It's a Creeper

Well tonight, as no surprise, we had another fire alarm here at school. During the wait outside I had an interesting conversation with a girl I know through a mutual friend. I will call her girl A, mainly because her name is Amanda and it begins with an A. The mutual friend will be called girl G for similar reasons

Girl A approached me and it was pretty clear she was fairly Drunk. After slurring her way through the bit of small talk I offered she shared with me a tale of the creepiest kind.

Apparently she and girl G, walking the halls late one night, discovered my door unlocked. They decided to enter regardless of the fact that both I and my roommate were sleeping. Once inside they stuck around for a short while and watched me sleep.

"you actually looked really peaceful"
-Girl A

After hearing her account I accused her of being a CREEP and made my way to another huddle of people.

Although I was considerably disturbed by her perpetration of such a creepy act, I was even more shocked to learn of a recent restraining order filed by girl G.

Girl G has taken out a restraining order against a friend of mine for reasons stated: My friend entered her room while they (Girl A and G) were sleeping. My buddy was merely looking for a cigarette.

I am astounded by her inability to realize she could just as easily be on the receiving end of a restraining order and I think I might file for one so she can experience it first hand maybe learn a new word: hypocritical.

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